Lisa Rehurek: Business Strategist, Brave Bold You in Business
We all have a Call. This call is one to serve and to be of service in some way using our wisdom, skills and talents in the world. This Call fulfills and lifts up our spirits. Many times, we resist our Call for various reasons. We are afraid of where it will take us, how our lives will change and how we will change. However, that Call is always there, showing a light through a dark hallway, awaiting our acknowledgment of it. It gets excited in the trust that we will awaken and listen to it and allow it to unfold our lives magically into what we deeply desire. The path is often laden with growing pains and just as equally or more; Joy. How we maneuver through the path and the meaning we give it, is up to us. Those perceptions and beliefs lay the foundation for the path ahead. This is why it is important to be ever so aware of the “meaning” we are attaching to events and people.
Lisa Rehurek is no stranger to “ignoring” her “call”. When I met Lisa, I was drawn to her immediately! She has a great sense of humor and warmth that radiates from her that makes her very personable. She is easy to talk to, very engaging, full of knowledge, wisdom, wit with a sincere desire to understand and know a person. Again, we often believe that many entrepreneurs have been that way most of their lives or have always been that way by following family who taught them. This isn’t the case for Lisa.
She has taken the amazing journey to owning her own business with great determination and belief that this was her journey. Her business unfolded on her journey. It didn’t appear as it is today. It changed, morphed and became more defined as she accepted and acknowledged herself, what she wanted and enjoyed along with what she didn’t as she took the journey ahead.
You are very talented in your creative ability as a business strategist, how did you know you wanted to be a business strategist as your career/calling?
I don’t come from an entrepreneurial family. Owning a business wasn’t taught to me growing up. About 10 years ago, I was in Corporate America bored and unchallenged. I started a Professional Organizing business while I stayed in my well-paying job just to see if I could do it. I realized Professional Organizing wasn’t my calling. However, it gave me courage and confidence that I could pursue a career with my own business.
Could you tell me about your journey to becoming a business strategist?
Out of the blue, a colleague called up and asked me to be his business partner and start some businesses. I did that for several years, and then I broke away and started my own business, Brave Bold You. There was an evolution to it. I realized that professional organizing was not my cup of tea. I am direct and to the point, I want to identify the problem and fix it. This type of skill set wasn’t being used in professional organizing. The businesses that my partner and I started were not my passion. So I created a business as a “time management and productivity coach”. I discovered, I didn’t like coaching either and I realized I was playing small instead of BIG. I had various fears and the end result was too big for me to see sometimes. From this realization, came the idea of being bold and talented in business strategy. Once I realized, I was ignoring my calling and not having the experiences I really desired, my life and business shifted. I love business and I am a “business junkie”, and I needed to incorporate that. It is my life.
What do your parents think about you being self-employed? I think I give my parents, on a regular basis, heart palpitations. They want stability for me and don’t always understand the roller coaster of business ups and downs with small business ownership. Although, I think my dad had a secret yearning to do his own thing as well.
Most of my life I fought against that traditional path and would default back to the “expectation”, because I thought it was what I was supposed to do. Now, I know what is and isn’t the right path for me. If friends see me in a traditional job they know it was my last resort after marrying an old rich guy. (I wouldn’t do that either but would even do that before going to that boring, routine job).
Do you remember any one defining moment that changed your whole outlook on life and your journey to becoming who you are today?
When I left the business partnership/friendship, it went sour. I had many choices to take in that moment; the high or low road and I took the high road. I am proud of my response to that and I feel good about how I handled that. I stayed true to me 100% for the first time to that extent. Every once in a while, we can find ourselves veering off course. We have to stay in alignment with who we are 100%.
An example of this is Internet marketing. This is where this integrity issue arises: “follow rules” or “formulas” of the road instead of being true to who I am. I know my core values, what I need to do to be in line with them and hold true to them no matter what.
What were some of the big challenges on this journey of being self-employed?
The questions: Who exactly do I serve and what exactly do I do? These were my initial challenges. I had broad talent and pairing it down was challenging. For a long time, I didn’t know who I wanted to work with and it was trial and error.
I wouldn’t have developed and grown in myself as much without that trial and error. I wouldn’t be as clear about who I am and what I do if it wasn’t for these challenges that forced me to become clear and make those changes.
How did you overcome these challenges?
For one, I had a business coach. I really believe that every business owner shouldn’t be without an advisor and coach. It is extremely important. I also participated in mastermind partners or groups that have a similar vision and way of thinking to bounce ideas off of each other. It pushes us to think bigger. I like to be pushed to think bigger and move through fear.
What were the top two beliefs or fears you had to overcome to create the life you have now? How did you do it?
One, not believing in myself that I am as powerful and influential and I am. Most of the roles I had been in up until my own business, I was second in command. I had to learn to embrace owning the space of top commander.
Second, fear of failure. I was not taught to embrace failure. I had to get over perfectionistic ways. It is not about -failure as much- as it is about not taking enough risks. I love the quote: “You can’t have a comfort zone and have a major impact in the world”.
I love thinking so big that people think I am crazy because it means I am onto something. I crave to be more innovative and I love being the trailblazer!
Any favorite books or inspirational tools you use to help you through challenges in life?
A few things:
Books: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. One of my go-to resources is: The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes. These are two of my favorite books.
I learned to encourage people to create high performance values. These values are things that if they did on a regular basis, they will be at peak performance.
For me, I love to learn new things and have new experiences and that keeps me inspired.
What would you tell someone who is struggling taking the leap to do the calling they love?
One, know your core values and live by them. Know what you are unwilling to compromise on. Two, get help such as a coach who can help you through what will be a massive personal development journey. Three, surround yourself with like-minded people that support and challenge you. If you want to be in a comfort zone get a “job”, don’t start a business.
What do you feel from your experience is the key to happiness?
Being true to who you are at your core!!! When we are true to ourselves, our confidence and talent skyrocket. Be less offended by things, people and events. Be who you are and embrace that!!
Thank you Lisa for taking the time to inspire our readers to “Answer the Call”! You are a role model and inspiration to forge forward and take the leap to answer the call in our lives. For more information on Lisa and her business go to: She has many free resources on her site to help you on your business journey.